Our story
When I lived in Hyderabad, India my parents used to take me to orphanages. We spent time singing songs, playing games, giving gifts, having food together and learning about the children’s stories of how they ended up there. After the visits I used to think about how fortunate I am and the small things that I take for granted every day.
Ever since then I wanted to start helping out children, people that were my age but didn’t have the same opportunities and resources that I had. I started volunteering at a school for underprivileged kids and sadly could not continue the process due to COVID-19 which brought me to the idea of creating an organization that can help me connect to schools like the one the I volunteered at.
I wanted to start this foundation to help even more children with the help of everyone else by connecting people to children in need, raising funds, and finding more people to volunteer. Our main goal was to find a way to connect disadvantaged kids to families that can help them. We want to find a way to connect more people around the world and use the resources that some of us our so fortunate to have in order to help those that are less fortunate.
— Maanya Madan (Founder)